Bring your kids to the library for stories and other fun events! We are going to have so much fun and we look forward to seeing you all! 

outdoor event at the library

Children’s Story Times
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Fall Storytimes
First week of September – First week of November

Tuesday’s @ 10am or Thursday’s @ 10:00am
Ages 0-5.
Read one book, sing songs, and do a craft with Mrs. Molly!

Homeschool storytimes
Every other Wednesday @ 2pm

September 11th + 25th
October 9th + 23th
November 6th + 20th

For ages 6-10.
One of our local homeschooling mom’s, Andrea Fitzpatrick, is providing a homeschooler storytime for homeschoolers in the area! All are welcome, of course, whether they are homeschooled or not! Learn about all sorts of interesting topics and color while you listen!
Parents must attend with their kids.
No need to register.


“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all”. – Jaqueline Kennedy


Children’s Programs
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Upcoming Programs!

*To register for a program go to our Events Calendar and click on the event you wish to attend!*

September 21st @ 1:00pm – What’s Up with Fall?

Roaring Brook Nature Center is coming to our library!
Join us for this family friendly program all about Fall! This program will be fun, but also educational.
Find out what makes for the ideal fall foliage season. What happens to all those fallen leaves? Why are
there so many acorns one year and none the next? What garden plants have the best fall colors? And much more.
This program is great for both adults and children interested in learning!
Please register all who are coming. Best for ages 6+.

October 9th @ 6:00pm – Bat Program and Craft

Learn all about bats! There will be fifteen minutes of talk, a fifteen minute slide show, then a t-shirt craft for the kids which will last twenty minutes.
All adults are welcome, but we only have twenty t-shirts so please register your child in order for them to get a t-shirt!
Please register all children! Most appropriate for ages 6+.

October 17th @ 10:00am – Dentist Storytime

We are having a real dentist come do a storytime at our library!
There is no better time of year to have a dentist remind us to brush our teeth than right before Halloween! The dentist will read a fun story and then we will do a craft!
For ages 0-8. Please register.

October 19th @ 1:30pm – Goblins and Giggles

Rona Leventhal, an incredible storyteller, is coming to our library!
Ever heard of a ghoul that just wants to show you how silly she can be? Why is the boy afraid of the red, red lips? Or the green pants? Do you know the magical spell to get rid of a monster that comes to town? How do you get rid of a Belly Button monster? Come and hear a tale or two that will put shivers up your spine and send you home with a smile!
Please register so we know how many are coming.
Stories perfect for ages 5-8. But the whole family will certainly enjoy!

Oct. 28th – Nov. 2nd – Trick-or-Treat

Come any time we are open the week of Halloween and say trick-or-treat at the front desk for a very special treat!
For both kids and teens.


Teen Programs
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Upcoming Programs


Harwinton Public Library offers monthly programs for teens, as well as young adult books, audiobooks, games, and graphic novels.

September 21st @ 1:00pm – What’s Up with Fall?

Roaring Brook Nature Center is coming to our library!
Join us for this family friendly program all about Fall! This program will be fun, but also educational.
Find out what makes for the ideal fall foliage season. What happens to all those fallen leaves? Why are
there so many acorns one year and none the next? What garden plants have the best fall colors? And much more.
This program is great for both adults and children interested in learning!
Please register all who are coming. Best for ages 6+.

September 25th @ 6:00pm- Pizza and Post-it-note Art

Who doesn’t love pizza? And who doesn’t love post-it-notes! Come make some awesome post-it-note art with Mrs. Molly!
For teens 11+. Please register.

October 23rd @ 6:00pm – Jellybean and Oreo Taste Test

Taste some jellybeans and Oreos and then rank them! Find out which flavors win!
Who doesn’t love candy right before Halloween?
For teens ages 11+. Please register.

Oct. 28th – Nov. 2nd – Trick-or-Treat

Come any time we are open the week of Halloween and say trick-or-treat at the front desk for a very special treat!
For both kids and teens.